
First and foremost, communities are created by individuals and don’t exist if people do not consistently uphold them. Therefore, any conversation about a community should also highlight the individual. This series of interviews considers those individual personal stories and relationships to the community. It is important to paint a realistic picture of those individuals within their communities to understand what the community actually provides.  Through Faces and Spaces, I am dedicated to showing how people have benefitted from communities, dealt with hardship and the subsequent  process of growth that occurs with that.


Here, Faces and Spaces highlights the places where you can find a sense of community. These places may range from niche interests to those less specialised. Currently, in many urban and rural areas people are experiencing a sense of isolation, especially in London where I live. This I believe is a product of history and culture rather than personal choice.

The spaces illustrated here will hopefully give you an opportunity to join a community and feel the benefits that it provides.

At this time, mental health issues are addressed with individualistic solutions, be that medication, therapy or meditation. These are all useful options but these solutions again seem to stem from our individualistic and isolating value system. There are 8 billion people in the world and we are always pushed to rely on one, ourselves. These spaces highlighted will not solve issues; they serve more as a communal space for you to allow yourself to open up again and heal.

Featured in:

ACV Magazine:

Swim Magazine
Last Bus Magazine
Outdoor Swimmer Magazine
Camden New Journal